The Unbreakable Bond: Our Journey with Julius

Once upon a time, in a small, cozy home near the beach, my husband and I lived with our adorable brindle pied French Bulldog, Julius. Julius had been with us since he was a puppy, joining our family in 2016 before we were married. As we navigated the challenges of college and building a life together, Julius was always by our side. Through thick and thin, he became our best friend and beloved family member.

The beginning was full of joy and adventures. Julius would accompany us on planes, explore new places, and even served as the ring bearer at our wedding. Life was perfect, until one fateful day in February 2020 when everything changed.

It started with Julius crying and refusing to go for walks. We rushed him to the vet, hoping for a simple solution. The vet prescribed medication and rest, but Julius’ condition only worsened. The next day, he lost the ability to walk, and we rushed him to the emergency vet.

The emergency vet diagnosed Julius with IVDD, a condition that affects the spinal discs. With no time to consult a specialist, Julius underwent emergency surgery. We were devastated, fearing the worst for our beloved pet.

The next six weeks were a blur of pain and uncertainty. Julius was incontinent and immobilized, his once-active body confined to a playpen. We struggled to keep our home clean and sanitary while caring for our suffering companion. Desperate for help, we reached out to vets, support groups, and therapy centers, only to find many considered IVDD a hopeless condition for dogs.

After Julius’ surgery, we didn’t know that he would be incontinent forever. It took time to accept and figure out how to manage his condition. But we refused to give up on Julius. We knew there had to be a way to improve his quality of life. Through sheer determination, we discovered a rehabilitation clinic that offered water treadmill therapy and red light therapy. We built obstacle courses in our small apartment, taught Julius to do laps in the bathtub, and developed exercises to help him regain his strength.

Slowly but surely, Julius began to improve. Although he remained incontinent and partially paralyzed, he regained a great deal of mobility. He could stand, walk with minimal knuckling, and even lift himself onto surfaces. We invested in a pet stroller for long walks, ensuring Julius could still enjoy the outdoors. Over the past few years, we’ve spent countless hours using trial and error to find the best diapering solutions for Julius.

Today, Julius is a happy, thriving dog who defies the odds every day. We have adapted our lives to ensure he has the best quality of life possible. We’ve created this website to share our experiences, tips, and product recommendations with others facing similar challenges.

Through our journey, we’ve proven that with love, perseverance, and support, any obstacle can be overcome. Our unbreakable bond with Julius serves as a testament to the power of love and the resilience of the canine spirit. Thanks to our efforts, Julius lives a happy life, and his IVDD has become a manageable condition. We hope our story will inspire others to never give up on their furry friends, no matter the circumstances.